Doula Services

I truly believe that birth is a beautiful thing, a natural process and not something to fear. As a doula, I accompany women in labor to help ensure a safe and satisfying birth experience. There are thousands of books on this subject, all with differing opinions but yours is most important. It is my job to help you make educated choices concerning your birth plan, to advocate for you and your baby and to support you throughout the entire process.

Studies have shown that the presence of a doula improves birth in the following ways:
  • 50% reduction in cesarean birth
  • 30% reduction in requests for pain medication
  • 60% fewer requests for epidural anesthesia
  • 25% decrease in the length of labor
  • Lower postpartum depression rate for mothers
  • Increased breast feeding success
  • Greater overall satisfaction from the mother about her birth
-Klaus, Kennell and Klaus, Mothering the Mother, 1993

What others are saying about doulas:

If you're still a little confused about what a doula can offer you and your family, Emily explains why she hired a doula on

Nicole of Bellies and Babies wrote an amazing post entitled Throughout Time, Throughout the World: Birth Partners. It will take you through the important journey of birth partners and the amazing role they play in childbirth. 

Birth partners used to be a valued part of the birthing team, but now, women are left in hospital rooms to labor alone and progress according to textbook examples. Unfortunately, we live in a time where women have to fight for their birthing rights, but I am honored to be part of this growing natural childbirth community. I deeply care about women's healthcare in pregnancy, childbirth and beyond.

Nothing makes me happier than helping a woman find her voice. Birth is so empowering. It's an event that will challenge you and shape you and have lasting effects on your life. Planning for something so huge can be daunting. I'd love to talk with you more about what I can offer you as your doula. Please contact me for an information packet or to set up an interview appointment.

~currently taking clients in the Bellingham area for home, birth center and hospital births~