Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Today, I....

...fished Lazzy's underwear out of the toilet (!?)

...made chocolate chip cookies

...prayed for my children

...started the same load of laundry twice

...ate 13 chocolate chip cookies

...prayed with my children

...made an elephant out of playdough

...called the wrong person

...taught reading lessons

...stitched the ear back on to Elijah's baby doggy

...broke up a million fights between these two Tarzans...

Said these things to my children:

"Stop calling each other Geeze. Geeze!"

"If you eat your Donatello bandaid, I'm not giving you another one."

"I'll show you a 'Hot Wheel' if you don't stop arguing about your toys!"
{What did I even mean by that??? Apparently, the kids didn't want to find out...}

I found a lot of  comfort in this article: 31 Things No One Tells You About Becoming a Parent
Number 1 is totally the story of Dan's life as a father, ha!
I particularly resonated with numbers 4, 8, 27 and 29.

We are hanging in there. Some days are really fun, like when we make family movies:

Other days are filled with lots of tears, and it ain't just the kids who are crying! But, it's all good. We are learning, growing and showing a lot of grace to each other. I'm thankful!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, I LOVE your movie! The mug cracked me up!!! Keep them coming, Robbins!
