Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Boy is 6!!!!!

My first born turns 6 years old today. The last year has been quite the adventure for our family. It's been such a joy to watch him grow through all the changes. Moving and traveling, taking him out of public school and learning at home, gaining a baby sisters-he's been stretched in so many ways!!!

Elijah has really grown into his role as older brother, teaching and encouraging Lazarus with new games and skills. Homeschooling has completely transformed their relationship. I've also benefited from our time in the "classroom" together. 


He adores his little sister. I love the tender heart he has toward her.

Puzzles and Legos are his new favorite challenge.

Elijah is a great bike rider and does really well riding through the city. We love our adventures through downtown Bellingham.

 He's generally gotten much cooler over the last year and his ninja skills and through the roof!!! HA!

His drawing skills have gotten pretty amazing. He's probably written and illustrated dozens of books!

His winking skills need workin' on though ;)

I love my googly eyed first born son. He cracks me up, talks my ear off and teaches me new things every day. Happy birthday sweet boy!!!

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